Thursday, January 7, 2010

Afternoon Glamour Shots

Mr. O and I got engaged when we still lived in Las Vegas, thousands of miles away from our families and friends who we left back on the East Coast. I was so excited to share my engagement ring with them that I hustled straight out to the pool area in our apartment complex to take some really lame pictures, which you've already seen. Those were the last glamour (or, in this case, extremely non-glamour) shots I took of it.


Given that this is a pretty accurate depiction of how I feel about my engagement ring:


and given that my winter break from grad school was six weeks long and I had nothing else to do other than moon over Daffodil and watch the entire series of The Office from start to finish, I decided to use some of that time to feature my precioussssss a little more attractively than what I've shown you before.

My only regret in these pictures is that they were taken in Boston in the throes of winter. I was essentially trapped in an arctic cave and there wasn't enough sunlight anywhere in the apartment for me to be able to catch a little of its sparkly qualities. You'll just have to use your imagination as far as blinginess goes.


Sitting on a piece of glass made in my hometown, which is famous for its glass artistry:

Hanging off a miniature statue of Christ the Redeemer, which Mr. Octopus brought back for me when he traveled to Rio:

Perched upon Mr. O's Wii remote:

And, my favorite, sitting on the spire of Mr. O's little ceramic version of Heinz Chapel, the place where we're getting married:

Have you taken beauty shots of your engagement ring yet? If not, you should try it! It's fun!

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